Where to Find Stair Lifts in Springfield, MO

Stair Lift Installer Springfield MOWhere is the best place to locate quality stair lifts in Springfield, MO? Since these products aren’t in high demand, it makes sense that you turned to the internet for information about vendors in the area that offer these services. At Lifemark Mobility Solutions, we offer the specialty services of stair lift installation, customized based on the needs of your home.

Over the years, we’ve found that every home is unique, which is why it is essential to customize every order. The installation of a stair lift requires an evaluation of your home, measurements of the staircase, and specific design to accommodate the curved shape or landings on the stairs.

If you find it challenging to walk up or down the stairs, then you are welcome to talk to us for information. We are here to assist as you are searching for the right products that will work best in your home.

What is an In-Home Stair Lift?

This product is designed with a rail that runs the length of the stairs, and a connected seat where a person can sit. If someone can’t use the stairs, then they have the option to sit on the chair so that a motorized system can move them to the top or bottom of the stairs.

The advantage of choosing a lift system instead of an elevator is that it is a cheaper solution and it can fit your current staircase. The lift is attached on the side of the stairs, allowing open room so that other people can walk on the staircase when the lift isn’t in use.

Do You Need a Stair Lift?

Disability, illness, and other physical problems can have an impact on a person’s ability to use the stairs. Often, the person avoids the stairs altogether because it’s too painful or dangerous to walk on the stairs, even with assistance from someone else. Joint pain, immobility, stiffness, and other issues can lead to a situation where you are trying to avoid the stairs as much as possible.

As the physical ailments progress, eventually you reach a point where the stairs are no longer an option. As a result, a portion of the home is unused since it is challenging to get to those rooms. In this case, installing a lift system is a great option so that you can move up and down safely.

One common application of stair lift installation is for elderly residents. People prefer the idea of “aging in place” instead of moving to a care center or assisted living facility. If they are unable to use the stairs, then a lift can make it possible to maintain independence at any age.

You Can Learn about Stair Lifts in Springfield, MO

It is an investment to add a stair lift in your home, which is why it is smart to learn about your options before jumping to conclusions. At Lifemark Mobility Solutions, we are here to answer your questions and assist with your installation. We want to be sure that you understand your options to ensure the best products are selected. Common products used for in-home lift installation include:

  • Stair Lifts
  • Seat Lift
  • Straight Stair Lifts
  • Chair Lifts

You can select the overall style and design of the system. Also talk to us about other features that can be included, such as a footrest, swivel chair, and other automated options that improve the function of the system.

An Investment, Not a Cost

Even though it costs money to install stair lifts in Springfield, MO, this spending is an investment compared to expensive alternatives. For example, some people think that the only solution is to move to another home if they are unable to access areas of their current home. While there are benefits of living in a place with a single-level floorplan, there is a financial cost for moving, closing costs, real estate commissions, and more. Plus, you can’t quantify the emotional costs of leaving home and a neighborhood that you love.

Look at this installation as an invaluable investment that improves your lifestyle. A good stair lift gives you the opportunity to move around your home freely. You can enjoy different levels in your home without having a fear of falling on the stairs.

A Consultation with the Experts

The best solution to prepare for stair lifts in Springfield, MO is to schedule a consultation with our experienced team. We will evaluate the details in your home and help with the selection of the right products based on your needs. We’ve been serving the community for years, offering excellent durability and quality. Learn more by contacting Lifemark Mobility Solutions at 3433 S Campbell Ave Ste B, Springfield, MO 65807. Call today to discuss your preferences for the installation: (833) 881-5433