What Do You Need to Know about Stair Lifts in Monett, MO?

Most homeowners don’t know much about the stair lift industry because there hasn’t been a need to learn about these products in the past. If you’ve always been able to move up and down the stairs with ease, then it can be frustrating and inconvenient to encounter mobility issues that make the stairs difficult or impossible to access. At this point, the best thing you can do is learn about your option for stair lifts in Monett, MO.

Lifemark Mobility Solutions is here to assist with your home upgrade. We know how important it is to maintain independence in your home. Our team specializes in accessibility solutions for people with physical challenges. We offer a variety of products that can be custom-fit to the needs of your staircase.

Considerations for Stair Lift Installation

stair lifts installer near monett mo

A stair lift isn’t a product that you can simply buy online and have shipped to your doorstep. While you might be able to find DIY solutions online, these products don’t compare to the quality, function, and durability that comes from a professional installation.

Keep in mind that every staircase is unique, which is why it is essential to access professional recommendations. At Lifemark Mobility Solutions, we are here to help with your stair lift design. Our team will evaluate the house design and dimensions of the stairs. In this inspection process, we need to determine the exact details of the shape and size of the staircase to ensure the fit of the new lift system.

We offer products that with a low-profile design, ensuring that you can move up and down the stairs without blocking access for friends and family members who will walk the stairs. Additionally, a variety of colors, seats, power features, footrests, and other adaptive features can be built into the lift. The goal is to ensure your comfort and ease of use.

Options to Consider for Stair Lifts in Monett, MO

Where should you start if you would like to install a stair lift in your home? The simplest solution is to contact our team at Lifemark Mobility Solutions to discuss your options. We’re here to answer your questions and guide your decisions, so you don’t have to do it on your own. Reach out at your convenience to start the conversation with an industry expert.

In this conversation, we will help you understand the different products that are available to meet your needs. Every situation is unique, so we are dedicated to the process of evaluating your needs to ensure that you receive the best solution. Commonly requested products include:

Which of these solutions is right for you? It depends on the layout of your home and staircase. Call us to learn more about how different products can be used to improve your mobility at home.

Cost and Budget Considerations

The price of stair lifts in Monett, MO can be quite the expense, especially if you have a limited budget. But you need to look at this installation as an investment. There’s no question that many benefits are available after we are done with the installation.

Can you put a price tag on the independence that is gained when you can move freely to all areas of your home? What is it worth to stay in your beloved home, without the need to move to an assisted living center or single-floor property?

We can help you explore the options and prices that are offered. One thing to keep in mind is that the cost varies depending on the equipment and installation that will be required. For example, it is cheaper to install a basic stair lift on a straight staircase, compared to the expensive installation required for a staircase that is curved or includes a landing.

In addition to the shape and layout of the staircase, the design and function of the stair lift will also affect your price. Heavy-duty chairs can hold more weight than the standard designs, but they come with a higher price tag. Certain features might increase the cost, but it is worth the added benefits that are available. Other available features include footrests, powered automation, a swivel seat, and other custom requests for your installation.

Upgrade Your Home to Improve Your Life

Mobility and access concerns don’t need to hurt your comfort and ability to move around your home. If you find that the stairs are difficult or dangerous, then it is time to talk to us about stair lifts in Monett, MO. These products can return the independence that you desire so that you can move up and down the stairs with ease. For information, talk to us at Lifemark Mobility Solutions: 3433 S Campbell Ave Ste B, Springfield, MO 65807. Call to find answers to your questions: (833) 881-5433